Isnin, 23 Februari 2009

= =

where i belong..
where i come from..
it is still me..

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009


The "Rules" :

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Once completed, tag 25 other people (including me!)


Opening Credits:
kill hannah - big shot

Waking Up:
x japan - forever love

First Day At School:
the all american rejects - swing swing

Puppy Love:
love me butch - reconcile

Fight Song:
jinxed - relentless

Breaking Up:
alexisonfire - polaroids of polar bears

skillet - comatose

Life is Good:
pretty girls make grave - ghost in the radio

as blood runs black - in dying days

juliet the orange - eyelash

True Love:
the used - its hard to say

atreyu - the crimson

Moment of Triumph:
fear before the march of flames - ten seconds in los angeles

Death Scene:
senses fail - bite to break skin

Funeral Song:
copeland - love is a fast song

End Credits:
circa survive - oh hello

saja buat setelah di tag di fb
sape rasa nak buat silakan lah ==


hideto matsumoto versi perempuan.


kepada sesiapa yang pemurah. belanja aku ni boleh? hahaha

Jumaat, 13 Februari 2009

surat untuk geiko

i wish i could just stop
i know now the moment will break my heart

too many times

to many years

i cried over you...

antara lagu yang sering lagi menjadi siulan bagi aku sampai sekarang. bloodymary; satu-satunya band yang menambat hati aku sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi. alunan muzik yang mantap di tambah dengan vox ala-ala kurt kobain plak. walaweii. memang terbaik la. mula menarik minat aku sejak kemunculan EP mereka yang bertajuk "WHY TOO CARE" pada tahun 2000 kalau aku tak salah.
mula-mula diperkenalkan kepada aku melalui member yang menyatakan lagu-lagu ini(dalam EP) adalah unreleased songs dari nirvana. aku pun percaya la. dulu zaman tape beb. mase aku tgk tape tu pon kosong je sbb suma tulisan dah hilang. memang bertambah yakin la aku memang tu lagu nirvana. sial la mati-mati kene tipu. haha. padahal sebelum tu pon bloodymary dah join compilation kopi sechewen. dulu budak hingusan mana la nak tau. kan dah kene kencing ==
lepas tu mane-mana compilation yang akan ada bloodymary mesti aku beli semata-mata nak lagu diorang; "breaking ground 1 & 2 , paradigm of 5 kingdom". sempat jugak la merasa jamm lagu take me to her, desire, beautiful wednesday, behind the tears, letter to geiko masa sekolah dulu ;)
lepas beberapa tahun aku dengar band tu dah berpecah. masing-masing buat side project; Elisebelle Tears & Free Love.

sekarang ni diorang dah comeback. lama gila dah tunggu. akhirnya.. haha. tak sabar nak tunggu material baru. bloodymary memang terbaik!! =)

Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

fears have become phobias

A mass suppression depressed by life unsure what he's to live for.
But then away came the better days when life opened its new doors.
Struggling for a way every day to live life not to fail but succeed.
Over coming on overwhelming load of power and greed.
Break the chains!
That grab ones soul!
That Take Control!

Wasting all that's left of a day, watching time just fly away on his own.
Dreams are surpassing him by, why not live life to its fullest and give it a try!
How much will does one simply have to conquer what he's become?
And how many others can say my fears have become phobias!

How much should one take for granted?
He's changed by life in order to see that he can succeed!
And how can you?


I will believe!

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009


+1 lagi.

masih sama.

tiada perubahan.

menunggu detik 16hblan.

selamat hari lahir.
terlalu cepat masa berlalu